Ray & Toller Consulting
To meet with the demand of our growth, Ray & Toller's human resources department is constantly looking for the best candidates to fill the positions of Management Trainee and Project Specialist.  We offer many benefits and opportunities of out-of-state and oversea travels due to our international oriented business nature.

Global markets, partners and teamwork
Human resources, marketing, and management systems
Continuous growth and improvements

Ray & Toller located in Minnesota, United States of America is a management consulting firm specializing in marketing, management systems, global business development, and human resources management. Its mission is to provide strategic planning and operational support to organizations in the U.S., China and Taiwan while recruiting and training the brightest minds in the fields of retail, logistics, education, international exchange & travel, and healthcare consultation.

Ray & Toller currently operates in 14 countries. Most of our business operations are executed by local team members via internet connections worldwide. Our capability of integrating business of various industries and accessing local markets provides continuous growth opportunities for our company and colleagues. These happy, motivated and highly trained professionals are the cornerstones of our success and will keep Ray & Toller growing and innovating into the next decades.

No matter you are a client, partner, or someone who is interested in joining us, we look forward to the opportunity of serving you and working with you.


Ray and Toller is your most tursted business partner on both East and West sides of the world.