Ray & Toller Consulting

To meet with the demand of our growth, Ray & Toller's human resources department is constantly looking for the best candidates to fill the positions of Management Trainee and Project Specialist.  We offer many benefits and opportunities of out-of-state and oversea travels due to our international oriented business nature.

Global markets, partners and teamwork
Human resources, marketing, and management systems
Continuous growth and improvements
Career Opportunities

To meet with the demand of our growth, Ray & Toller's human resources department is constantly looking for the best candidates to fill the positions of Management Trainee and Project Specialist.

Both Project Specialist and Management Trainees follow specific career paths planned by our human resources and management departments once recruited. They are promoted to management positions after successfully completing staff and line responsibilities.

Ray & Toller offers many benefits and opportunities of out-of-state and oversea travels due to our international oriented business nature. Plenty of cases or job opportunities in retail, logistics, education services, international exchange & travels, and healthcare consultation industries also available to colleagues to hone their management skills and accumulate vital experiences.

Please e-mail us your resume, two photos, and a brief description about yourself and why you are interested in the Project Specialist or Management Trainee position at HumanResources@rayandtollerconsulting.com.

We will contact you and arrange an on-line interview within 1-3 weeks after receiving your information, if our human resources department think you are qualified for the position.You will be able to ask questions regarding the position during the interview.

If you have not heard from us within 3-4 weeks, it may indicate that the positions are filled or not suitable for you. We wish you the best and will find a job you like soon.  

You can e-mail us at HumanResources@rayandtollerconsulting.com, if you have any questions about the positions, However, due to the limited number of personnel in our human resources department, we are unable to provide a direct response. 

Positions Available

  • Project Specialist
  • Management Trainee

Most of our jobs at Ray & Toller are communicated and completed via internet. That is, if you cannot work at our offices in the United States or China, you are still qualified to apply for the positions as long as you meet the following criteria: 

1. Possessing your own computer with software of Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, Skype and a headphone or earphone with microphone

2. Driven and result oriented; can work at your own place

3. Loving to travel, meeting new people, and working out-of-state or overseas for a few days or weeks

4. Enjoying working with team members all over the world from home via internet

Please e-mail us your resume, two photos, and a brief description about yourwelf and why you are interested in the Project Specialist or Management Trainee position at HumanResources@rayandtollerconsulting.com.