Ray & Toller Consulting

To meet with the demand of our growth, Ray & Toller's human resources department is constantly looking for the best candidates to fill the positions of Management Trainee and Project Specialist.  We offer many benefits and opportunities of out-of-state and oversea travels due to our international oriented business nature.

Global markets, partners and teamwork
Human resources, marketing, and management systems
Continuous growth and improvements
About Us

Exceptional individuals and business partners are the foundation of Ray & Toller's success. Our human resources and business development departments are always looking for the best talents who love our culture and can add value to our company and franchise brands. We recruit only the best in the industry. These highly trained, dedicated and experienced professionals are the leading force to the continuous growth and innovations of our company.

Ray & Toller is a consulting partner for over a dozen franchise brands in retail, logistics, education services, international exchange & travel, and healthcare industries. We also specialize in assisting companies to locate potential clients or partners and develop service, sales and distribution systems in China and Taiwan. Our extensive network of local representatives and pragmatic relations with governments and enterprises in China give us competitive advantages to operate effectively and deliver satisfactory results to our clients.


Ray & Toller is your most tursted business partner on both East and West sides of the world.