Ray & Toller Consulting

To meet with the demand of our growth, Ray & Toller's human resources department is constantly looking for the best candidates to fill the positions of Management Trainee and Project Specialist.  We offer many benefits and opportunities of out-of-state and oversea travels due to our international oriented business nature.

Global markets, partners and teamwork
Human resources, marketing, and management systems
Continuous growth and improvements
Contact Us

Ray & Toller is located in Minnesota. We provide management consulting services to governments, companies, schools and other organizations in the United States, China and Taiwan in the following industries:

  • Retail
  • Logistics
  • Educational services
  • International exchange & travel
  • Healthcare

Our services and specialties include:

  • Establishing collaborating relationship among governments of the United States, China and Taiwan
  • Providing strategic planning and operational support to organizations in the fields of marketing, management systems, global business development, and human resources management.
  • Locating potential clients and partners and develop service, sales and distribution systems in China and Taiwan.
  • Establishing franchise networks and operations in China.

If you are interested in our service or have any questions, please e-mail us at service@rayandtollerconsulting.com.